Submit a request

Reporting content as illegal under the Digital Services Act is taken very seriously.
When you report content as illegal, you must be specific and provide an explanation detailing why the content is illegal to allow us to make an informed decision. If the report does not contain enough information for us to clearly assess whether the content is illegal, we will not be able to progress the report.

If you do not wish to report illegal content under the Digital Services Act, and instead wish to draw our attention to content for other reasons, please use the general "report ad" functionality available on the ad.

Please select the brand or platform to which your content report applies.

This helps us locate the content you’re reporting. We may not be able to locate the content if you do not provide a URL.

Please provide the legal basis for your complaint that any content violates applicable law in Ireland including, where possible, a reference to any applicable legislation. Please be as specific as possible to allow us to properly assess your report.

Please clearly explain why you think the content is illegal. Please be as specific as possible to allow us to properly assess your report.

Please note that we take reports of illegal content very seriously. If you frequently submit reports that are manifestly unfounded, we reserve the right to suspend your ability to submit reports or permanently ban your account. Please see our Terms and Conditions for more information.

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